This is the date when you need the product to be delivered.
Select the brand specialist from Sourci that you have spoken to

Product #1 - clone

This is automatically calculated from the the target cost and first order volume fields.

Providing greater detail allows the Sourci team to understand your requirements and deliver the very best results.

Upload any supporting documentation that would help us assess your products (File size must be under 15MB, for larger files please contact your Brand Specialist)

Anything else you'd like to tell us about?

I/We understand that this form is designed to ensure that both Sourci & ourselves are clear about the exact scope & requirements of this sourcing project.

I/We have provided all of our requirements for this sourcing project and these are outlined within this specification form. If I have any further specifications or product requirements they will be provided to Sourci as early as possible and before I engage Sourci for my tailored package - these updates will be provided by email to my Sourci representative.

Please proceed to preparing a tailored strategy proposal using the information outlined in this form!